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Useful Information When Booking An Interpreter...

Booking a Sign Language Interpreter can be a daunting process. We have put together some pointers to help you book an Interpreter and some of the questions you should be asking!

Before the Booking happens...

Preparation material

Interpreters work in a variety of settings and may not necessarily have an in-depth knowledge of everything they interpret. This is why preparation is important as it will give the interpreter some idea of what will be happening and what topics will be discussed. This preparation can take various forms, papers that are to be discussed, PowerPoint slides that will be used, lecture notes, training packs or even meeting the interpreter for a few minutes before the job starts to give them a quick briefing.

Directions to the Venue

If you know that the venue is difficult to find or is tricky to get to, it is important to let us know so that we can pass on that information to the interpreter and they can then allow extra time for travel if necessary. If there is a car park nearby or a train station within walking distance please pass this information on to us. If you have car parking that can be reserved please let us know as the interpreter may request this.

How many people are expected

Some interpreters specialise in large meetings and conferences and others choose to avoid this type of booking. By giving us this information it allows us to give the interpreter a better picture of what the booking entails so they can make an informed professional choice when accepting or declining the booking. It will also ensure that we can approach the right interpreters for the job.

On the day...

Interpreters interpret every day of the week and can advise you of the best way to set up the seating on the day. If you wish to prepare before the interpreter arrives the most important thing to remember is the Deaf person and the Interpreter need to be located so that they have a clear, front on view of each other. However, there are some things that you can prepare for to ensure all runs smoothly. These are…


It may seem insignificant and is something we take for granted but for people using a Sign Language Interpreter or Lipspeaker, it is a vital element of the communication. The area that the interpreter works in will need to be well lit from the front. The lighting should never be from behind the interpreter as this casts the front of the interpreter into shadows. Lighting needs to be considered when in a room with lots of natural light, bright sunshine is lovely but not when the Deaf person is straining to see the interpreter through it. If you are using a projector you will probably have the need to turn off lights to darken the room so people can see the display, but this may need some compromise as the Deaf person will not be able to see the interpreter clearly.


Again, this is something that may sound simple but it has a huge impact on the communication outcome. If the interpreter is having difficulty hearing the speaker, other people in the room probably are too, it makes it very difficult to interpret someone who they cannot hear clearly.

Speed or Pace

Unlike spoken language interpreters in most community settings, Sign Language Interpreters work simultaneously. This means there is no need to have pauses when speaking as the interpretation is happening at the same time as you are talking. If the interpreter is having difficulty keeping up or if you are speaking too slowly the interpreter will let you know.

After the event...

We value feedback from all our customers. If you have anything that you would like us to know about either the interpreter that attended the booking or the whole booking process please contact us by SMS, phone, email, video message or our feedback form. All comments will be treated as confidential unless informed otherwise.